THUBA DAO 是由清华大学区块链协会(THUBA)成员所发起的去中心化组织,致力于成为连接海内外区块链社区的桥梁,并培养最优秀的下一代Web青年与先锋者。
THUBA(清华大学学生区块链协会,Tsinghua University Blockchain Association)正式成立于2017年9月,是清华大学学生自发组建的学生社团,汇聚国内外顶尖高校和行业资源,推动区块链行业的学术研究和技术发展,支持学生区块链创业项目的实施与发展,共同推进中国互联网行业和科技金融的技术变革和应用落地。
复旦大学区块链协会于2022年成立,是复旦大学官方认证社团之一。协会旨在凝聚复旦优秀人才,打造复旦最大的区块链 & AI 社区,并致力链接校友资源,整合校内外区块链资源,为在校学生搭建优秀的成长交流学习平台。协会开放包容、平等互助,将充分开放活动与学术资源,供在校生和校友学习与分享。在提升复旦学生素养与技能的同时,助力于社会发展与进步。
2023年1月1日,FDUBA 与 Buidler DAO 建立全方位合作伙伴关系,共同推动区块链技术在华语地区的发展,为社会带来更多的福利。成立之初至今,FDUBA 与 Buidler DAO 进行多次深入合作,共学创新、分享研讨、圆桌会谈、媒体分享,帮助新接触web3的同学们了解虚拟货币的基础知识,激发更多人对web3的热情…一路走来,FDUBA 与 Buidler DAO 的团队共同成长、互相成就,期待未来继续共同为行业创造价值!
1. College DAO Introduction: College DAO is the fastest-growing blockchain education network on over 150+ college campuses worldwide. We empower students to get involved in the blockchain industry through education, internships, startup funding, and events like hackathons.
2. Relationships with BuilderDAO:
(1). Met Frank and Niels in November 2022
(2). Attended Waterdrip Capital Space as a guest speaker
(3). Participated in the Waterdrip learning program and helped with marketing
(4). Introduced a professor doing token economics based in Shanghai to BuilderDAO
(5). Assisted with marketing for Sei APAC Hackathon
(6). Assisted with marketing for Wanxiang Blockchain International Week Shanghai Hackathon
(7). Will assist with marketing for Builder for Miracled MateStone Demoday in token 2049
4. Future collaborations:
(1). Collaborative Advancement of Blockchain Education: We can work together to provide courses on blockchain technology and ecosystems, organize online seminars and lectures, and assist more individuals in understanding and learning about blockchain.
(2). Supporting Innovative Projects: As guardians, we can jointly support blockchain startup ventures by providing initial funding, mentorship, and resource connections, fostering the thriving development of innovators in the blockchain field.
(3). Hosting Events: We can collaborate to host blockchain-related events such as hackathons, workshops, and seminars, offering the community opportunities for learning and networking.
(4). Expanding Community Influence: Together, we can exert combined efforts to expand the community influence of both BuidlerDAO and College DAO, attracting more individuals to participate in the blockchain ecosystem.
5. Principle: Nora Huang - cofounder of college DAO, a senior student at the University of Michigan, studying statistics, engineering, and entrepreneurship. Got into crypto and Web3 in 2021.
Weirdo Ghost Gang 小幽灵
我们以其长期以来多元的先锋审美、自由的社区文化、多样的发展路线受到了来自世界各地的众多收藏家、艺术家、音乐人等不同人群的追捧。Weirdo Ghost Gang 小幽灵将 Web3 自由、开放、创新、包容的生活态度通过灵感频现的创意内容与运营方式加以传播与发展,「跳出思维定势的盒子,做个奇思妙想的怪人」(OUTA THE BOX, BE A WEIRDO)是 Weirdo Ghost Gang 小幽灵始终不变的灵魂内核。作为 Web3 领域不可忽视的力量,未来,小幽灵将在持续发力 IP 建设的基础上,深耕社区、产品、潮流、时尚、文化、艺术等多个领域,将独属于 Weirdo Ghost Gang 小幽灵的态度与内核持续触达全球,同时不断扩大自身影响力,致力于 Web2 场景与 Web3 生态的不断融合。
Moledao is a community-led organization, established in August 2021 and backed by Bybit. We are building a community to connect budding entrepreneurs and facilitate collaborative efforts toward the Web 3 ecosystem.
Weirdo Ghost Gang 小幽灵
我们以其长期以来多元的先锋审美、自由的社区文化、多样的发展路线受到了来自世界各地的众多收藏家、艺术家、音乐人等不同人群的追捧。Weirdo Ghost Gang 小幽灵将 Web3 自由、开放、创新、包容的生活态度通过灵感频现的创意内容与运营方式加以传播与发展,「跳出思维定势的盒子,做个奇思妙想的怪人」(OUTA THE BOX, BE A WEIRDO)是 Weirdo Ghost Gang 小幽灵始终不变的灵魂内核。作为 Web3 领域不可忽视的力量,未来,小幽灵将在持续发力 IP 建设的基础上,深耕社区、产品、潮流、时尚、文化、艺术等多个领域,将独属于 Weirdo Ghost Gang 小幽灵的态度与内核持续触达全球,同时不断扩大自身影响力,致力于 Web2 场景与 Web3 生态的不断融合。