Whitepaper Revision V3.0: Community Feedback Request

(白皮书)修订版 V3.0:社区反馈讨论 – 中文版

1. Background


BuidlerDAO is a decentralized community dedicated to empowering Web3 builders to create legendary projects. With a mission to connect and enable global talents, it strives to build an open, professional network that fosters collaboration, drives Web3 adoption, and realizes value. By providing equal participation opportunities, BuidlerDAO promotes innovation, talent exchange, and project cooperation, laying the foundation for the future of Web3.

BuidlerDAO Community

Since the release of the whitepaper in July 2023, BuidlerDAO has made significant strides in governance and community engagement. By December 2023, the first revision was completed, and two Guardians Elections were successfully held in July 2023 and January 2024. Over 60 governance discussions and 30+ proposals have been initiated, with contributions from 150+ active members and 300+ $BRP holders.

In August 2024, the launch of the BRP Reputation System marked a new era, enabling contributors to earn rewards. To date, 63,484.00 BRP has been distributed, 24,720.8 pBRP minted, and 18,290.79 USDT awarded, fostering greater community participation and sustainable growth.

SpringX Accelerator

  • October 2023 to June 2024: BuidlerDAO successfully organized three SpringX accelerator phases with key partners like SevenX Ventures, Aptos, and Solana. Across these phases:
    • Over 600 projects applied, with 30+ projects selected for acceleration.
    • Funding achievements exceeded $20M.
    • Notable milestones include substantial Aptos Grants and Solana Grant support, solidifying SpringX’s industry influence.

Cube Summit

  • October 2024: Hosted the Cube Summit in New York in collaboration with 12 top university clubs including Yale, MIT, and Oxford.
    • Attracted nearly 100project applications, 600+ attendees, and 50+ speakers.
    • The summit marked a key step in internationalizing BuidlerDAO, fostering cross-campus collaboration, and discovering early-stage talent and projects.

To further improve DAO governance and operational efficiency and to drive BuidlerDAO’s international expansion, the Operations Guild will publicly solicit feedback and suggestions for improving the whitepaper at the end of the S4 quarter.

2. Community Governance and Operational Suggestions

We sincerely thank everyone for their strong support of community governance and operations! The Operations Guild has received valuable feedback from community members and industry partners, which provides important insights for the continuous optimization of our governance model and operational efficiency. Each valid piece of feedback will be rewarded with $BRP, with the amount ranging from 1 to 10 $BRP based on the significance of the issue raised.

We believe that in your daily participation, you may still encounter certain governance methods or operational rules that are unclear or ineffective. Through this focused discussion, we welcome you to highlight any shortcomings in community operations and share your valuable suggestions! To help you organize your thoughts, you may refer to the following example questions:

Example Questions:

1. Contribution Process: Have you encountered difficulties or inconveniences in the process of contributing to the community? What are your suggestions for improvement?
2. Community Meetings and Events: Do the formats of community meetings and events meet your needs? What areas do you think could be improved?
3. Rules and Whitepaper: Are there any unclear aspects of the community rules or whitepaper? If so, please specify the relevant sections and elaborate on the issues.
4. Task Groups and Rewards: Do you have any suggestions or expectations regarding the task groups and corresponding $BRP rewards?
5. Other Aspects: Are there any other areas you think need optimization or attention?

3. Timeline

The governance suggestions campaign will officially launch on December 11, 2024, and last for two weeks. It will cover topics such as whitepaper revisions and governance and operational model optimization. On December 24, the Operations Guild will work with the Governors to consolidate all feedback and propose updates to the whitepaper.

Let’s work together to create a more efficient and inclusive community ecosystem! :tada:



1. Website | Twitter|TG
2. Bilibili | Youtube| Podcast| 小红书| 公众号| Mirror
3. Forum | Snapshot



针对追溯性补偿这个章节,目前挂的追溯的内容 当前状态并不清楚? 需要写清楚最新情况,标注如果完结了,剩余的补偿也 close 不会再做

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  1. BRP incentives should be given for participating in comments, proposals, and voting to increase community governance participation. Based on the time required for various activities: comments - 1 BRP; proposals - 5 BRP; voting - 0.5 BRP
  2. For monthly BRP distribution, I suggested not to create new proposals or votes, but instead add comments under existing proposals. Each month’s BRP should be added as a comment to improve efficiency
  3. “During the $BUIDL token TGE, conduct a token retrospective airdrop, calculating weights based on ‘reputation x identity’, where reputation = $BRP + $pBRP” - remove “reputation = $BRP + $pBRP”. pBRP deserves more airdrop allocation, and the ratio can be determined through community voting later
  4. The monthly BRP to U conversion should have a set range. Numbers calculated according to the rules should fall between 1 BRP = 1-3U

  1. 对参与评论、提案、投票的需要给予 BRP 激励,来提高大家参与社区治理的参与度。根据各种行为需要花费的时间,评论-1BRP;提案-5BRP;投票-0.5BRP
  2. 每个月的 BRP 发放,建议不新开提案、投票,而是在现有的提案下面增加评论,每个月的BRP作为一条评论,提高效率
  3. “在 $BUIDL 代币 TGE 时进行一次 Token 追溯空投,按照「声誉 x 身份」加权后计算权重,其中声誉 = $BRP + $pBRP”,删去“声誉 = $BRP + $pBRP”,pBRP 值得更多空投,到时候比例可以通过社区投票决定
  4. 每月的 BRP 对 U 的换算,应设置范围,按照规则计算得到的数字,应该在 1 BRP=1-3U之间 翻译

在贡献和收益这个部分,结果矫正值需要明确一个范围,表述清楚是谁做的决定, 目前存在的问题是:从Alice事例中不清楚 10 是怎么来的? 属于一个什么水平?



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目前的组织结构里,有一个挺特殊的群体是节点守护者,是否需要定期 review 节点守护者名录,进行更新轮替。

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Can BuilderLabs display member information? :smirk:

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In the Guardian section, who is this Guardian, and what is their role? :thinking:

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Anywhere we can see the future target and major projects for DAO in 2025? And regarding the questions raised on BRP/Contribution Calculation, Freya financial team can help discuss and answer those questions.


Currently some guild are not running; shall we discuss how to deal with those guilds in the future?


改成 “Network for Talents and Projects”

2 组织结构

  1. 下面文本表述不清晰

BuidlerDAO 的组织结构分为横向和纵向:

  • 纵向结构:由五大公会组成,每个公会分别聚焦技术、投研、运营、教育和孵化等领域。每个公会内可设立小组推进具体事项。纵向成员身份分为四个层级:旅行者公民贡献者建设者
  • 横向结构:由守护者进行连接,横向结构贯穿于各个公会之间,负责协调和联络工作。守护者根据职能不同,分为三大部分:合伙人治理者执剑人,分别负责节点、治理和决策的保护。
  1. 新人 on boarding
    1. 纳新会议 – 时间会灵活变化,去掉时间,改成:具体时间节奏 会在 TG 群内同步
  1. 声誉身份
    1. 取消旅行者没有身份证明
    2. NFT 组件,增加描述:通过 ERC 6551 给 NFT 发送组件
    3. 收益权,增加描述文本:社区贡献者与建设者在使用 BRP 兑换 USDT 时,会比旅行者和公民拥有更多加成
    4. 投票权,修改描述:投票权大小由个人BRP+ PBRP的总和进行计算

建议 1:目录调整:声誉身份奖组织里具体的身份以及对应的权益,人才举荐和引路人放在一起或者拆分成为两个子目录

建议 2:小组中 「介绍」页看不见

建议 3:小组名改成 Group

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  1. 建议 1:补充“每三个月定期 review 节点守护者名录,根据情况进行更新轮替”
  2. 建议 2:不需要给群体命名,太复杂PartnersPartner 是由项目创始人、合作伙伴、投资人、KOL、城市主理人等高杠杆群体组成的关键角色,是节点守护者。他们通过专业知识和资源网络,为社区和项目提供建议、渠道和支持,帮助解决战略性挑战,是 BuidlerDAO 和项目的顾问与合作伙伴。同时,DAO 为守护者提供内部资源支持,设置专属 DAO Advisor Token(2%-5%)和项目 Token 池,形成双向赋能的合作关系。守护者协议与管理机制节点守护者需签署具法律效力的“守护者协议”,明确个人权利、义务及收益,协议经 DAO 内部共识投票通过后生效,投票退出后失效。BuidlerDAO 每三个月定期 review 守护者名单,根据实际贡献与需求动态调整,确保团队保持灵活与高效。GovernorsGovernors 是社区治理守护者,由各公会负责人和小组组长等积极贡献的关键成员组成,负责推动社区发展和治理。其主要职责包括组建工作小组、支持目标实现、维护社区规范、监督财务运作,并接受仲裁申请处理争议。通过“内部共识”投票批准,Governors 可发起针对社区成员的退出流程,确保社区治理的公平与高效。Sword Holders****执剑人(Sword Holder) 是社区的决议守护者,由长期坚定且具决断力的核心贡献者组成,旨在确保社区健康发展并防范节点作恶。执剑人拥有对除创始宪法中不可篡改规则外所有决议的否决权,其成员需与 DAO 长期绑定,具备理性与战略判断力,诚实守信,并积极参与社区决策。

1. 横线删除,内容不美观
2. 去掉 1.1 1.2 等,重新整理序号

  1. 文案调整,加速器 1.0,加速器 2.0 和 SpringX 官网 00 01 02 有歧义

    1. 孵化公会(加速器前身):在发起 SpringX 加速器之前,BuidlerDAO 社区进行项目孵化(主要由孵化公会承接)的尝试,累计收到过 50+ 项目申请,筛选了 10+ 通过。这些项目本身为独立团队、独立项目,由社区提供人才、资源对接、发展支持等服务,和社区业务关联性不大,项目包括 Nextme、MetaShield 等

    2. SpringX 加速器:2023 年 9 月,BuidlerDAO 联合 16 家机构和项目方发起 SpringX 加速器,通过批次(Cohort)的方式筛选项目并提供加速能力。截止 20234 年底已顺利完成三期加速器,其中第二期和第三期分别和 Aptos 、 Solana 官方合作。SpringX 加速器项目,会得到社区提供的人才、资源对接、发展支持等服务,并获取项目未来的少量代币作为回报。